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Intensive Outpatient Programs

Outpatient Intensives are available for individuals struggling with sexual addiction or for couples wanting to aggressively begin the healing process in their marriage. They are approximately 90% interactive/experiential and 10% educational. Intensives can be arranged either one-on-one or as a group intensive. Contact our office if you think you or someone you love struggles with SA and would benefit from an intensive led by a LPC Supervisor certified as a Christian Sexual Addiction Specialist (CCSAS).


Symptoms of Sexual Addiction


I repeatedly attempt to stop certain sexual behaviors and fail.

I continue my sexual behavior despite it having caused me problems.

Before my sexual behavior I want sex, but afterwards I regret it.

I have lied often to conceal my sexual behavior.

I worry about people finding out about my sexual behavior.

I have made an attempt to quit a certain type of sexual activity and have failed.

I hide some of my sexual behavior from others.

When I have sex, I feel depressed or ashamed afterward.


Signs of Sexual Compulsivity (SAFE Formula)


It is a secret.

It is abusive to self or others.

It is used to avoid feelings or is a source of painful feelings.

It is empty of a caring, committed relationship.


If you feel like some of these statements describe you, then you may struggle with compulsive sexual behaviors. Click on the Getting Started tab to do a Sexual Addiction Assessment to determine if you may benefit from counseling or an intensive.


To schedule an appointment


for more information

Call: (210)789-7683

Find us: 

540 Madison Oak, Suite 340

San Antonio, TX 78258 

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